O Fenômeno
4 users liked this review

This guy probably doesn't need a review for you to understand how good he is. I took some time off the game for awhile, and just focused on trading, and grinding menus as I was getting burned out from gameplay. Then I had enough coins to afford this guy. Now during my time off I went down all the way to Division 7, when I got R9 I went undefeated all the way to Division 2. This card will win you games you have no business winning. He will score everything, bully everyone, and I finally understand why he is one of the most sought after cards by Pro players. This guy is an animal. I have had him for 33 games so far and he has dropped 62 goals for me, and he has done it with ease. Regardless of TOTS right around the corner, he is never leaving my team. This is my first year trying him, and he will be my goal in every game after this one. Amazing player, and my favorite player in real life as well.

Fast doesn't describe him, he blitzs past everyone.

Shooting is perfect, double 5 star gives plenty of versatility, and he will score everything

Dribbling is perfect, doesn't feel clunky at all and I can easily maneuver around anyone

Strength is fantastic, I've had him hold off VVD, Maldini with ease.

Defense is irrelevant

Passing is pretty alright, link up play is very good.

Not a one, this is the perfect attacker and I encourage everyone to try him if you can. The medium/medium work rates do not matter, he is where you need him 100% of the time.

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (10/10)